Prevent Fires in Your House


The idea of a warm and cosy fire may sound inviting and warm until you learn that you should have your chimney swept regularly. You do not want creosote and soot to build up, lest you experience a major blaze. That is why it is important to use the services of a chimney sweep to take care of your fireplace.

Some of the Advantages

When you count on reliable chimney sweep services in Newton Abbot, you can realise the following:

  • A cleaner and safer chimney. Chimney fires can easily start when a flame sparks the built-up soot or creosote in the chimney.
  • A lower insurance bill. If you have your chimney regularly maintained, you should tell your insurance company. In turn, you are reducing the liability on your homeowner’s insurance.
  • A better functioning fireplace. When the gunk is removed from your chimney, your fireplace will work better, as well.

Schedule the Service When It Is Warmer

Obviously, you should address fireplace and chimney cleaning during a time when it is not cold outside. Do not wait until the winter to take care of this type of task. Instead, schedule a cleaning during the summer, as it is not a peak time for cleaners. By taking this approach, you can have your fireplace and chimney cleaned without having to wait. If it turns cold and you schedule a cleaning, you may have to wait a while to receive the service.

Would you like to schedule service now? If so, check out the chimney sweeps in your local community online. Ask for a quote, and plan to have your chimney cleaned before it gets too cold outside.



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