A Guide to Designing an Indoor Swimming Pool


The ultimate in luxury, having a pool built in your home is a sure sign of success, and if you have decided to add an indoor pool to your property, there are a few things to bear in mind. It is likely that the structure that contains the pool will also have to be built, as there are not that many homes with that much space, and with that in mind, here are some important points to take into consideration.

Professional Evaluation

By taking advantage of the indoor swimming pool design in Harrogate, you can have an expert design your pool, and once he has seen your home, he can make a few design suggestions. Size would be an obvious factor and that might be governed by the immediate environment, and the first thing the pool designer will want to know is your intended budget.

Established Pool Design Company

Designing an indoor swimming pool should be left to the specialists, and with top notch indoor swimming pool design in Harrogate, you can rest assured that the design and construction would be of very high quality.

Aspects to Consider

When designing an indoor swimming pool, there are a few aspects to consider, such as:

  • Safety – The pool must have secure fencing and gating, to prevent unauthorised use, and the floor should be non-slip, while all fixtures and fittings should be curved in shape, with no sharp edges.
  • Lighting – Pool lighting is essential, and by using LED fittings, you can design the perfect pool illumination.

Of course, the pool does not necessarily have to be square or rectangular in shape, and there are a few elegant designs like oval or kidney shaped pools, which do look stunning.


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