Do You Need a Composite Door


Composite doors are the newest forms of door currently used in homes. They have come in to favour over the last few years due to the flaws in the previously used uPVC and wooden doors becoming more and more apparent. Therefore composite doors can be considered an answer to these flaws, and the design features a combination of materials that have all be selected due the benefits they present in terms of reliability, durability and most important safety.

What Do They Look Like?

A composite door in most cases will be slightly thicker than their older counterparts, this is because they not only have a strong and thick PVCu plastic frame but they also have a reinforcement added that is formed from galvanised steel. Insure this PVCu frame there is also an inner frame created from hardwood in order to increase the structural integrity of the door. You will find that the outer section of the door features an embossing effect know as ash grain and the surface will also have been treated to ensure that the materials do not warp, bow or crack. Due to the treatment used on the outside of the door, it is also unlikely that it will ever need painting and it also has a strong barrier that helps to prevent denting.

Solving the Problems with uPVC and Wooden Doors

When doors are created using only one material such as the older uPVC and wooden doors, it is not unusual to see some damage and wear and tear over the years. This is because one material is a lot weaker than two and far weaker than three making the door itself more susceptible to heat changes, physical impact and general regular use. The aim of the composite door is to take all of these problems into account and design a product that can solve them. Therefore, by purchasing a composite door you will find that your door is no longer susceptible to warping due to weather changes thanks to the GRP skin. You will also find that that pesky draft is gone thanks to this skin and also the thermal core which is great for energy efficiency. There is no need to worry about that football repeatedly hitting your front door, as a composite is able to withstand far more force than its older counterparts. As well as, maintenance is no longer a worry. As previously mentioned, the treatment used to coat the outer layer of the door has incredible protective properties which prevents the need for sanding, repainting and other general maintenance. All of these features combine together to form a door that is long lasting and durable, and that is also cost effective due to its energy efficient properties.

Is a Composite Door for You?

If you have experienced or are currently experiencing any of the problems mentioned above then it’s definitely worth thinking about investing in a composite door. There are many companies and manufacturers to choose from; just a simple web search of Composite Doors will give you all the information you need.

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